MWH Soft Expands RDII Analyst Functionality

MWH Soft has released RDII Analyst (Rainfall-Derived Inflow and Infiltration) for InfoSWMM and H2OMAP SWMM with expanded functionality.

The new version invites users to further adjust dry weather flow and RTK parameters to achieve a better fit — and ultimately a better model — based on their experiences.

Excessive wet weather flow resulting from rainfall-derived inflow and infiltration is a major source of sanitary sewer overflows. Control of sewer overflows is vital to reducing risks to public health and protecting the environment from water pollution. Computer modeling plays an important role in determining sound and economical remedial solutions that reduce RDII; improve system integrity, reliability and performance; and avoid overflows.

The new features include tabular comparisons between the observed and calibrated RDII data for each event, including R value, peak flow, hydrograph volume, and depth. These comparisons allow users to better evaluate simulated and monitored data and judge how well they correlate on a per-event basis.

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