Confirm Biosciences Offers Oral Lead Test Online
LeadConfirm Professional, a non-invasive, oral-based lead testing product, can now be purchased from various reputable online stores such as All that a buyer needs to do is to visit the website, place the order, and then wait for the product to be delivered in a few days.
Confirm BioSciences Inc., the company behind the development of LeadConfirm Professional, reports that the testing product checks if the body is affected by lead contamination and by how much. The testing is done using saliva collected through an FDA-approved device. The saliva is then placed in vials and sent to the company's laboratories in a prepaid envelope included in the testing kit.
To test for lead contamination in the body using saliva samples, the company uses advanced technology in liquid chromatography (HPLC) with mass spectrometry X2 (LC/MS/MS). The results are available within five to six business days. The patient can get these results online or through telephone.
In the United States alone, there are more than a million workers in at least 100 different jobs who are exposed to lead on a daily basis. These include people employed in manufacturing plants making ceramic tiles and batteries. Lead exposure also affects people working as mechanics, painters, welders, and other related jobs.
People in manufacturing and related service jobs are not the only ones who are likely candidates for high levels of lead exposure It is possible for children staying at home to have industrial levels of lead in the body. Children can be exposed to lead from urban dust, from food, and from breathing lead particles in the air.