Mich. Offers Water Quality Monitoring Grants
The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality announced Jan. 27 the availability of a grant application package for three categories of water quality monitoring projects including $200,000 for inland lakes beach monitoring grants, $150,000 for local water quality monitoring grants, and $150,000 for emerging issue monitoring grants.
Local government and nonprofit entities are eligible for funding and are encouraged to apply.
The application is available at http://www.michigan.gov/deq/0,1607,7-135-3313_3686_3728---,00.html, or by contacting Denise Page at 517.335.6969 or [email protected].
The application package contains funding priorities, detailed instructions on developing a proposal, the criteria by which proposals will be evaluated, and the items that should be included with the grant application. Applications are due by Feb. 20.