EPA Releases Climate Change and Water Report

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water has released a report describing activities implemented in 2008 to respond to the challenges posed by a changing climate. The report is divided into three major sections:

  • a description of activities to implement the National Water Program Strategy: Response to Climate Change, including the 44 key actions in the strategy;
  • a review of water-related climate change activities in EPA regions; and
  • a summary of EPA climate and water-related activities not specifically addressed in the strategy.

During 2008, the Office of Water made substantial progress implementing the strategy. Work on all but three of the 44 key actions has been initiated. For most of these actions, interim milestones and schedules have been accomplished and work is on schedule. Some highlights of successful implementation efforts include:

  • publication of proposed regulations designed to assure that geologic sequestration of carbon does not pose a threat to underground sources of drinking water;
  • development of the "Climate Ready Estuaries Program;" and
  • establishment of a Federal Interagency Workgroup on climate change and water matters.

For more information, visit www.epa.gov/water/climatechange.