AWWA Publishes 3rd Edition of Concrete Pressure Pipe

The American Water Works Association announces the publication of the fully updated Third Edition Concrete Pressure Pipe (M9).

The use of concrete pressure pipe for water distribution has dramatically increased in recent years due to its rugged construction, natural corrosion resistance, and long life. This AWWA Manual of Water Supply Practices provides all of the supplemental information engineers and designers need to achieve optimal field performance of concrete pressure pipelines.

This edition was reviewed and developed by an AWWA volunteer committee made up of practitioners in concrete pressure pipe engineering and manufacturing. In addition, the manual was reviewed and approved by the AWWA Standards Committee on Concrete Pressure Pipe. It also includes the Guide Specifications for Purchasing and Installation of Concrete Pipes. This guide will assist engineers in controlling the many variables of pipe installation to ensure specified product performance.

The information and recommendations in this manual reflect the most current, industry-approved engineering and design practices for the manufacture and use of concrete pressure pipe in water supply service.

The book is available in AWWA's online bookstore at