WEF Redesigns Web Site
The Water Environment Federation (WEF) has launched the first phase of its program to use its Web site – www.wef.org -- to provide access to the world's best science, engineering, and technical practices for water quality improvement.
Visitors will find a redesigned, more user-friendly site including new components such as a "WaterBlog," a new section called "Today's Water Hero," and a major new library of resources called "Access Water Knowledge," with comprehensive technical and educational material for water quality professionals.
Access Water Knowledge provides online access to WEF publications including the new Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, a searchable database of papers presented at WEF conferences since 2000. It also incorporates Knowledge Centers for key information on biosolids, collection Systems, infrastructure, and more.
These areas offer convenient access to information from WEF and other credible sources, including the latest technical research, books, and articles, news features, as well as WEF's training and networking opportunities for water quality professionals.