McIlvaine Co. Forecasts 46% Growth in Asian Market for Ultrapure Systems

The McIlvaine Company has released its 2012 forecast for worldwide sales of equipment, services, and materials used to produce ultrapure water.

According to revenue forecasts included in its online report -- "Ultrapure Water: World Markets," the demand for ultrapurification products in Asia will reach $3.5 billion by year-end 2012. Compared to sales forecasts of $2.4 billion for 2008, this represents growth of 46 percent over the next four years.

"Industry-wise, one area of particular interest is the production of flat-panel displays," said McIlvaine president Bob McIlvaine. "Ultrapure water is critical to the manufacturing of these displays."

McIlvaine continues, "A quick trip to any consumer electronics store is proof enough that the demand for these displays is phenomenal. And, the demand goes well beyond the consumer market. As the use of flat-screen technology continues to rise, so rises the demand for ultrapure water and the systems that produce it."

For more information on the McIlvaine Ultrapure Water: World Markets report visit