Calif. Integrates Water Data on Web

The California Department of Water Resources has released a new water resources data management tool called the Integrated Water Resources Information System (IWRIS).

IWRIS is a Web-based geographic information system application that allows users to access, integrate, query, and visualize multiple sets of data from diverse sources.

Some of the accessible databases include the department's Water Data Library, California Data Exchange Center, U.S. Geological Survey streamflow data, Local Groundwater Assistance Grants (AB303), and local agency data. The system will be expanded with additional data sets and functionality in the future.

The state agency developed IWRIS to improve water data management and scientific understanding in support of Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM). The California Water Plan Update 2005 identifies IRWM as a key initiative to ensure reliable water supplies through the year 2030.

For further information and access to IWRIS, visit

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