Report Describes Activities, Successes of Clean Water State Revolving Fund

Last year, EPA invested more than $900 million to help states and municipalities update their wastewater infrastructure. Combined with state contributions, total financial assistance for wastewater projects topped $5 billion for the first time, according to a report the agency released on March 27.

"The State Clean Water Funds are revolving and evolving to reach new levels of success and sustainability. EPA's national report underscores the importance of innovation and partnership to increase environmental results in watersheds and communities across America," said Benjamin H. Grumbles, EPA assistant administrator for water.

The Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) 2006 Annual Report points to greater emphasis placed on community outreach programs last year. The programs stimulate participation and encourage new approaches to providing information about the CWSRF. Although participation is voluntary, all 50 states and Puerto Rico are now tracking the link between project assistance and environmental benefits, officials said.

The CWSRF is the largest federal funding program for wastewater infrastructure projects, such as treatment plants and collection systems. It is an outgrowth of 1987 amendments to the Clean Water Act. The fund is self-sustaining in that the interest derived from loans as they are repaid helps expand the program to provide even broader funding in future years.

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This article originally appeared in the 03/01/2007 issue of Environmental Protection.

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