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Optimizing Solar Thermal Performance

Solar thermal energy appears poised for a renaissance in the United States, as the Obama Administration presses forward with its green energy agenda. But the revival could be short-lived unless solar hot systems are maintained properly.

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Safely Recycle Fluorescent Lamps: PDF

Air Cycle Corporations creates simple, sustainable solutions that make recycling easy. We are committed to developing these tools and services to help increase recycling rates while also protecting our environment. 

Six Answers About EPA’s RCRA Generator Improvements Rule

Six Answers About EPA’s RCRA Generator Improvements Rule: Asset

EPA’s historic update to the RCRA hazardous waste regulations takes effect on May 30, 2017. The new rules will have a major impact on how your facility manages hazardous waste. Download this free report to explore the biggest changes and identify the steps your facility should take now to prepare.