
BSEE Expands SafeOCS Program

The program now includes the confidential collection of equipment failure data.

German Shipping Companies Plead Guilty in Environmental Case

The companies acknowledged Coast Guard examiners took oil samples from the oil/water separator's overboard discharge valve and from the vessel's sludge tank and the samples from the two locations matched. Under U.S. and international law, sludge is never to be discharged through an oil/water separator, EPA reported.

Coastal Erosion Requires Immediate Attention

Coastal Erosion Requires Immediate Attention

Louisiana's Governor says “we are in a race against time.”

Eight new pumps will be in place by mid-October sufficient to protect York if rivers rise to the record levels seen last winter. (UK Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs photo)

New Pumps Strengthen Foss Barrier's Power Against Floods

UK Environment Secretary Andrea Leadsom announced new state-of-the-art pumps for the York barrier, saying they providing a 66 percent increase in capacity. Major flooding a year ago caused significant damage after the UK Environment Agency raised the barrier to prevent damage to it.

BOEM Calls for Strong Protection for Gulf Wildlife from Survey Impacts

The draft evaluates the potential environmental impacts of survey activities on marine mammals, fish, coral, and other environmentally sensitive species in the seabed and water column of the Outer Continental Shelf.

In a recent USGS study, it was found that Great Lakes tributaries are rife with microplastics, small pieces of plastic that can be harmful to wildlife, the environment, and even humans.

Great Lakes Suffer from Widespread Plastic Pollution

In a recent USGS study, it was found that Great Lakes tributaries are rife with microplastics, small pieces of plastic that can be harmful to wildlife, the environment, and even humans.

U.S. Coast Guard Petty Officer 3rd Class Lyndsey Slabe eyes cleanup efforts in Bay Long, La., on  Sept. 10, 2016. A unified command of the Coast Guard, Louisiana Oil Spill Coordinator’s Office, and ECM Maritime Services was established Sept. 6 to the spill. (Photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Brandon Giles)

Spill Cleanup Under Way in Louisiana

Repair work on the damaged section of pipeline was under way on Sunday, and by then more than 6,000 gallons of oily water mixture had been recovered, the Coast Guard's District 8 reported.

Climate Change Causes Pika Mammals to Disappear from American West

A recent U.S. Geological Survey study discovered that Pikas, small herbivores that live in mountain ranges in the American West, are disappearing from the areas due to climate change.

Tacoma wins award for flood planning project

Tacoma Flood Protection Project Wins Public Works Project of the Year Award

The American Public Works Association (APWA) has selected the Tacoma Central Wastewater Treatment Plant Flood Protection Project for one of its 2016 Public Works Project of the Year Awards in the Disaster/Emergency Preparedness category.

BHP Billiton Expects Dam Failure Findings Soon

The giant mining company reported a $6.2 billion year-end loss on Aug. 16 but said "good progress" is being made on environmental restoration, community resettlement, and community health following the November 2015 collapse of the Fundão tailings dam at Samarco in southeastern Brazil, a disaster that killed 19 people, including 14 working on the dams at the time.

Wildfires Will Expose Millions of Americans to Air Pollution

Wildfires Will Expose Millions of Americans to Air Pollution

Intense climate change in states like California has resulted in wildfires that are not easily containable, leading to health risks due to air pollution.


NASA Maps Thaw Areas Beneath Greenland Ice Sheet

The research team combined four different approaches to investigate the thermal state at the bottom of the ice sheet, including recent computer models of the ice sheet, radar data, and ice surface speed measured by satellites.

BP Tallies Total Deepwater Horizon Costs: $61.6 Billion

"Over the past few months, we've made significant progress resolving outstanding Deepwater Horizon claims and today we can estimate all the material liabilities remaining from the incident. Importantly, we have a clear plan for managing these costs and it provides our investors with certainty going forward," said Brian Gilvary, BP's chief financial officer.

Terracon Foundation Awards $105,500 in Grants

The foundation was established as the community investment arm of Terracon with a goal to reach out and become a real part of the lives of company employees and their communities. To date, the foundation has distributed more than $1.3 million in grants.

Microsubs are "underwater watchdogs" that can provide early warnings of any potential problem with oil companies

BP Touts Microsubs' Potential

BP is working with manufacturer Planet Ocean, the Marine Robotics Innovation Centre at the UK's National Oceanography Centre, and the Scottish Association of Marine Science to optimize the microsub technology before starting the first trial in the North Sea in December.

Safety and Environmental Standards Raised for Arctic Exploratory Drilling

The regulations have been raised to ensure high safety standards for drilling activities on the OCS.

NOAA Awards $31 Million in Ocean Observing Grants

The five-year cooperative agreements are a fundamental activity for IOOS that fulfills requirements set forth in the 2009 ICOOS Act. Goals for these agreements focus on increasing the availability and accessibility of data and on maintaining and expanding the observing capabilities throughout the country.

New Commissioner Named for Alaska Department of Natural Resources

Andy Mack is an advisor to multiple Alaska Native Corporations engaged in oil and gas activities on the North Slope. The governor's announcement said in this role, he helped guide the regulatory drafting and implementation applied to drilling efforts in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas.

The Goliath Prescribed Burn starting on June 11, 2016, in Redwood Canyon, which is located in Kings Canyon National Park, California, home of the world

Prescribed Burn Scheduled in Kings Canyon National Park

The Goliath Prescribed Burn starting on June 11 in Redwood Canyon, which is located in Kings Canyon National Park, California, home of the world's largest sequoia grove, will return the natural fire history to the area and aid the giant sequoias.

Environmental Crime Report Shows Damage Far Worse Than Estimated

"The rise of environmental crime across the world is deeply troubling. The vast sums of money generated from these despicable crimes are fueling insecurity and keeping highly sophisticated international criminal gangs in business," UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner said. "It is essential the world acts now to combat this growing menace before it is too late."