
New York Air Force Base is now Known for its Federal Facility Excellence

New York Air Force Base is now Known for its Federal Facility Excellence

The EPA chose the base as a 2021 site reuse award winner.

What Will the Future of Sustainable Cities Look Like

What Will the Future of Sustainable Cities Look Like

As more people move into urban areas and environmental issues become more pressing, cities will have to rethink their systems and their environmental impacts.

Big Tech Companies are Making Climate Change Commitments, but Are They Actually Impactful?

Big Tech Companies are Making Climate Change Commitments, but Are They Actually Impactful?

Many large companies like Apple, Amazon and Microsoft are rethinking their supply chains and carbon footprints after pressure from consumers and employees to address their role in climate change. Here’s what these groups are doing, and experts’ take on their effectiveness.


Here's How the Seafood Industry Is Cracking Down on Sustainability

The seafood industry relies on one of the world's biggest and most important ecosystems: the ocean. Here are ways the fishing industry is being pressed to operate more sustainably.

World Rainforest Day: Retailers Commit to Deforestation-free Supply Chains

World Rainforest Day: Retailers Commit to Deforestation-free Supply Chains

Every year, June 22 is recognized as World Rainforest Day: a day committed to raising awareness about our world’s largest source of oxygen—and one of the Earth’s most important types of ecosystems. This year, 45 major businesses decided to recognize it together by reevaluating their supply chains.

While Wildfire Technology Grows in Australia, U.S. Funding for Fighting Fires Dwindles During Corona

While Wildfire Technology Grows in Australia, U.S. Funding for Fighting Fires Dwindles During Corona

This year started with a burning Australia and then a worldwide pandemic. As Australia recovers from its scorched landscape with new fire response technology, the U.S. enters into a hot summer season of high fire risk—with little wildfire funding after COVID-19.

Cities Prepare for Green Initiatives Post-Coronavirus

Cities Prepare for Green Initiatives Post-Coronavirus

For many policymakers, efforts to reopen the economy overlap with the need for green initiatives. As various regions prepare for the bumpy road ahead, the focus on green living and environmental protection has never been more crucial.

Earth Day Celebrates 50 Years: a Walk Through History

Earth Day Celebrates 50 Years: a Walk Through History

Since its birth in 1970, Earth Day has become a worldwide movement to garner more attention for the environment, its resources and its species. While the movement has evolved over the years, its ultimate call to action has only gotten louder.

An Ocean Renaissance: There is Hope for Marine Life

An Ocean Renaissance: There is Hope for Marine Life

Major review reports the recovery of marine life—but we are not done yet.

A Global Pandemic Means Littered Disposable Gloves—Everywhere

A Global Pandemic Means Littered Disposable Gloves—Everywhere

The outbreak of the coronavirus has meant littered medical supplies waste in parking lots, on sidewalks and most other public spaces. It is one of the many unintended byproducts of the pandemic.

Using Big Data Technology for Environmental Protection

Using Big Data Technology for Environmental Protection

Environmental protection is benefiting big time from big data.

How Are Medical Devices Making Consumers More Environmentally Conscious?

How Are Medical Devices Making Consumers More Environmentally Conscious?

The medical industry doesn't have the best track record when it comes to environmentalism. However, some healthcare companies are changing that.

Australia is Quenching Its Fires—But a Few Still Remain

Australia is Quenching Its Fires But a Few Still Remain

A recent New York Times article reports that most of the fires are finally out in New South Whales, but there are still more to address.

The DOE and Bureau of Reclamation Announce the Fish Protection Prize

The DOE and Bureau of Reclamation Announce the Fish Protection Prize

The DOE and Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) announced the Fish Protection Prize to develop sustainable water structures and protect fish species.

The University of Oklahoma is Awarded $4.5 Million for Climate Study

A $4.5 million grant was given to the University of Oklahoma (OU) to study climate extremes such as droughts, floods, and heat waves

Australia Burns On: How it Happened and What to Do

Australia Burns On: How it Happened and What to Do

As brushfires in Australia rage into massive, destructive flames, the world watches people get displaced from homes and trees and animals burn. Here’s why there’s a crisis to begin with and what you can do, even thousands of miles away.

European Union Adopts New Guidance to Reduce Light Pollution

European Union Adopts New Guidance to Reduce Light Pollution

Light pollution is a real thing, and it affects the environment and humans alike. Assuming average eyesight, about half of the EU population has now lost its ability to see the Milky Way galaxy arch across the night sky.

Three Environmental Issues and Ways to Combat Them

Three Environmental Issues and Ways to Combat Them

For years now, humans have mistreated and contaminated the very environment that sustains them. But the broad concern for the environment can be so overwhelming that people don’t know what to do or where to start making a difference.