The Alliance for Water Efficiency's executive director, Mary Ann Dickinson, will speak about the tracking tool, which is free to members.
The Environmental Law Institute honors five individuals and one family for their efforts to wetlands conservation.
Department of Interior will take recommendations under advisement as the agency develops guidelines for wind energy development on public and private land.
Rain Bird and Smithsonian Institution bring thought leaders together to discuss water management strategies.
The Pennsylvania Environmental Council will present the 2010 Governor's Award to businesses and organizations that have cleaned up watersheds, saved energy, and eliminated pollution.
Water conservation is a new way to live our lives, said Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed, in a message about the new education initiative.
Habitat producers can sign up through April 23 to participate in the first round of rankings for the protection initiative, which will be funneled through the Environmental Quality and Wildlife Habitat incentive programs.
A Georgia Institute of Technology and Duke University study shares how the right policies could help Texas and the South cut utility bills and create jobs.
Environmental restrictions in the Northern California supply are perpetuating shortage conditions and driving costs higher, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California says.
Twelve entities in 10 states are receiving up to $200,000 each to train people in the cleanup of brownfields while also providing training in green building design, energy efficiency, weatherization, solar installation, green construction, and native plant revegetation.
Urban Land Institute-Ernst & Young study adds water infrastructure as a challenge that the United States needs to address in order to be competitive with China and the European Union.
N.J. real estate developer plans to cut energy and water use on its properties across the state.
Survey of 2,700 people in seven European countries found that about 80 percent of users support the idea of the technology that may provide environmental benefits.
Ecosystem Marketplace says properly structured mitigation programs result in creating natural habitat that is larger than the area affected by development and potentially better integrated into the regional ecosystem.
The silent auction will be conducted in April with a live auction planned for Earth Day, April 22 at Rockefeller Center.
The federal government has issued notices of proposed civil penalty to Zoe Industries, Altmans Products, EZ-FLO International, and Watermark Designs.
According to a Stroud, Glouchestershire, Web marketing company, Google's policy lowers search result rankings for sites hosted outside the United Kingdom.
New research alliance will focus on water conservation research.