The list highlights vulnerable elements where global production is concentrated in a small number of countries, including metals that are critical to development of a low-carbon digital economy. The list helps to focus future research on diversifying supply from new resources, using greener production technologies and cost-effective recycling.
The new UNTHA Recycling Technology (URT) system at the Appliance Recycling Centers of America (ARCA)’s facility in Philadelphia is ready to begin recycling as many as 150,000 refrigerators annually, GE and ARCA announced Sept. 9.
As consumers stay focused on keeping cool during the hottest months of the year, they may fall victim to some of the myths that may be giving electricity customers the wrong idea about how to curb their electricity consumption and save money on their monthly bills.
In the hot summer months, it's hard to avoid over-watering your lawn, but saving water is paramount during this time. According to the U.S. Geological Society, about 40 percent of all freshwater is used for irrigation.
To date, many academics and government officials have argued that putting a price on carbon – most commonly through taxes or emissions trading – is all that is needed to overcome every possible barrier to delivering cost-effective energy efficiency improvements.
The Department of Energy's L Prize challenged the lighting industry to develop high-performance, energy-saving replacements for conventional light bulbs that will save American consumers and businesses money.
Summer is the ideal season for vacations, and whether you plan to spend your days beach bumming, hiking with friends or visiting out-of-town relatives, these tips will help reduce your at-home energy consumption as much as possible while you are away.
Sprint's headquarters irrigates its campus via a a rainwater collection system, which has proven to be a boon for both the company's bank account and the environment.
Mr. Peanut is arriving in Washington, D.C. – by way of his new biodiesel Nutmobile – to open a new urban park, Planters Grove, in Northeast D.C.
Advances in DNA 'fingerprinting' and other genetic techniques are making it harder for illegal loggers to get away with destroying protected rainforests.
As many people deal with tightening their belts and trimming expenditures, they struggle with the dilemma of saving the planet or saving cash. Here we offer a few tips on how you can do both at the same time.
The designation encompasses the 92,665 square miles of the country's exclusive economic zone on its Pacific and Caribbean coasts.
Researchers have created a system, called EnergJ, that reduces energy consumption in simulations by up to 50 percent, and has the potential to cut energy by as much as 90 percent.
Klaus Reichardt, CEO of Waterless Co., said his conclusion is based on a new book, "The Big Thirst," by Charles Fishman.
PepsiCo has begun offering five options of eco-friendly, recyclable and compostable cups to Foodservice customers in the United States through company-owned and independent bottler distribution systems.
Despite the dry climate, the Omni hotel in Fort Worth, Texas, has installed a rooftop herb garden on one of its terraces shaded from the hot summer sun.
The rotational grazing technique, which has been adapted for a variety of livestock worldwide, calls for cattle to graze in small areas for shorter periods of time before moving onto other pastures.
Seventy-eight percent report electricity cost savings, two-thirds indicate heating/cooling and paper savings, and 60 percent are cutting costs on water.
Stella Middle Charter Academy will implement environment-based education in science and history/social science from California's Education and Environment Initiative.
Winners will be announced in October at the WaterSmart Innovations conference in Las Vegas.