The settlement resolves federal claims that the company violated the act by unlawfully modifying units at five coal-fired power plants in North Carolina.
They are due by Sept. 25 for the prize, which has been bestowed by the Stockholm International Water Institute for the past 25 years for extraordinary water achievements.
Sacramento, Calif.-based Mutual Housing California has been selected by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) for a 2015 Housing Innovations Award.
Sacramento-based nonprofit Mutual Housing California recently received a $442,700 grant from NeighborWorks America to underwrite the organization’s activities and to continue developing rental housing in the Sacramento region.
"Climate plays a significant role in the long-term viability of our business," says Jerry Lynch, vice president and chief sustainability officer. "For example, changes in climate have an impact on weather conditions such as drought, floods, and excessive heat, all of which can decrease yields on our raw materials like corn, oats, and wheat."
Earlier this week, the EPA announced two new rule proposals for hazardous waste management that would help protect waterways without heavy restrictions on businesses.
McLean County's 9,500 residents are now served by five water systems, all of which nearing their functional life expectancy and struggling to meet the safe operating standards of federal regulations.
The president is scheduled to visit Anchorage, Alaska, on Aug. 31-Sept. 1. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell signed the order renaming North America's highest mountain on Aug. 28.
Caused by El Nino conditions, the restriction had been set to begin Sept. 8.
Catalina Island will defer, and possibly avoid, 50 percent water rationing with the expansion of a new GE Desalination System to produce up to an added 150,000 Gallons of water per day by treating the concentrated seawater from the existing desalination reverse osmosis system.
The evolved plastic tank is quickly becoming accepted by contractors, designers, and homeowners and because of the variety of size options available to satisfy varying needs.
"Hurricane Katrina is, indeed, part of this story," said UCI Earth system scientist James Randerson, senior author on the paper. "The ocean conditions that led to a severe hurricane season in 2005 also reduced atmospheric moisture flow to South America, contributing to a once-in-a-century dry spell in the Amazon."
EPA reports that structures and grounds at the site became contaminated with toxic polychlorinated biphenyls, trichloroethylene, and asbestos over decades of use as a manufacturing plant for automotive equipment.
"The restart of Sendai unit 1 puts Japan on the road to recovery. Going forward, it is essential that the nuclear industry works harder at building better relationships with the public as well as improving our performance and future technology offerings," said Agneta Rising, the association's director general.
The agency's director, Brian Salerno, on Aug. 17 said Shell's application to conduct exploratory drilling was approved after extensive review.
This determination means the environmental effects of the spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste disposed there would not be detectable or be so minor they will not destabilize or noticeably alter any important attribute of affected resources.
"Thanks to these projects, thousands of acres of degraded habitats will be restored or improved so that wildlife can thrive. We're proud of the fact that our company succeeds when the environment is restored," said Joel Shapiro, CEO of Timbervest LLC.
During the public meeting, DEP staffers will accept suggestions for criteria changes and additions as part of the upcoming triennial review for West Virginia's Water Quality Standards Rule, which the agency will propose in 2016 for consideration during the 2017 legislative session.
In collaboration with the wastewater associations, INDA is committed to giving consumers the information they need to make wise choices. We believe consumers will make the right choice when they know what the right choice is.
EPA now estimates 3 million gallons of wastewater from an old gold mine spilled into the Animas River, part of the Colorado River system. The wastewater contains lead, cadmium, and other heavy metals.