
A new ruling in the Georgia Court of Appeals states that all waters are to be protected by 25-foot vegetative buffers under Georgia law.

All Waters in Georgia Protected by Buffers

A new ruling in the Georgia Court of Appeals states that all waters are to be protected by 25-foot vegetative buffers under Georgia law.

The thin ribbon of sandy barrier islands and beaches along America’s coastline shifts constantly, especially during hurricanes, nor’easters, and other extreme storms.

Science Brings Clarity to Shifting Shores

Each and every day, waves move sand back and forth, onto and away from beaches. The thin ribbon of sandy barrier islands and beaches along America’s coastline shifts constantly, especially during hurricanes, nor’easters, and other extreme storms.

European Commission Proposes Higher Recycling Targets

EU countries would ban burying recyclable waste in landfills after 2025 and recycle 70 percent of municipal waste and 80 percent of packaging by 2030.

Sand Becomes Key Ingredient in Lithium Ion Batteries

Sand Becomes Key Ingredient in Lithium Ion Batteries

A team of researchers has developed a new lithium ion battery from sand, resulting in a battery three times more powerful than the standard.

Wastewater Injections Responsible for Oklahoma Earthquakes

Wastewater Injections Responsible for Oklahoma Earthquakes

A new study shows that nearly half of earthquakes in central and eastern United States have occurred in areas of high-rate water disposal.

EPA Updates Air Standards for Landfills

EPA Updates Air Standards for Landfills

The EPA is proposing updates be made to air standards for new municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills, which would reduce methane emissions and overall pollution.

A new report from the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) reveals that 10 percent of all beaches in the U.S. do not meet the EPA’s water quality requirements. The report also recognized 35 clean or “superstar” beaches and 17 “repeat offenders” that desperately need clean water protection.

How Safe is the Water at Your Favorite Beach?

A new report from the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) reveals that 10 percent of all beaches in the U.S. do not meet the EPA’s water quality requirements. The report also recognized 35 clean or “superstar” beaches and 17 “repeat offenders” that desperately need clean water protection.

Three Cockatoo Species Listed as Endangered Species

Three Cockatoo Species Listed as Endangered

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today announced the final listing of three cockatoo species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA

Alternative Testing for Water Contaminants Approved

Alternative Testing for Water Contaminants Approved by EPA

In order to better discover water contaminants in drinking water, the EPA has approved 21 alternative analytical methods to record levels of contaminants and determine compliance with regulations.

Public Transit in Pennsylvania to Become Energy Producer

Public Transit in Pennsylvania to Become Energy Producer

A pilot program of a public transit energy storage system (ESS) has been launched in Pennsylvania. The program would make the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transit Authority a producer of energy, rather than an energy consumer.

Human Activities Increase Salt Content in Many of the Nation’s Streams

Human Activities Increase Salt Content in Many of the Nation's Streams

Concentrations of dissolved solids, a measure of the salt content in water, are elevated in many of the nation's streams as a result of human activities, according to a new USGS study. Excessive dissolved-solids concentrations in water can have adverse effects on the environment and on agricultural, domestic, municipal, and industrial water users.

China to Remove Millions of High Emissions Vehicles

China to Remove Millions of High Emissions Vehicles

In order to help combat the high amount of pollution and smog that China is currently facing, the Chinese government is planning to remove six million high-emission vehicles from the road.

Legumes Become Newest Sustainable Crop

Legumes Become Newest Sustainable Crop

A new study examined the mineral micronutrient content of four types of grain legumes: field peas, lentils, chickpeas, and common bean.

Reducing Deforestation a Success

Reducing Deforestation a Success

According to a new report, nearly 20 countries around the world have reduced tropical deforestation and emissions as a result of programs and policies.

New Plans for Coastal Restoration in Louisiana and Texas

New Plans for Coastal Restoration in Louisiana and Texas

In a presentation to the Governor’s Advisory Commission on Coastal Protection, Restoration and Conservation, the America’s WETLAND Foundation (AWF) has outlined new solutions to help expand and expedite coastal restoration efforts, in concert with Louisiana’s Coastal Master Plan.

Today, the EPA has released a proposal that will place tough emissions limits on coal-fired power plants, which is expected to cut carbon emissions by 30 percent.

EPA Limits Coal-Fired Power Plants to Reduce Carbon Emissions

Today, the EPA has released a proposal that will place tough emissions limits on coal-fired power plants, which is expected to cut carbon emissions by 30 percent.

With many families across the UK still dealing with the consequences of last winter’s flooding, the International Journal of River Basin Management has just published 10 ‘golden rules’ for strategic flood management (SFM).

10 'Golden Rules' of Flood Management

With many families across the UK still dealing with the consequences of last winter’s flooding, the International Journal of River Basin Management has just published 10 ‘golden rules’ for strategic flood management (SFM).

ReGreen has successfully completed one of the largest multi-family portfolio solar installations of the decade in only 6 months.

Largest Solar Thermal Installation of the Decade Completed on Apartment Complex

ReGreen has successfully completed one of the largest multi-family portfolio solar installations of the decade in only 6 months.

In a new report, Charting New Waters explores new approaches to urban water management to ensure future water supply resiliency.

Water Security Examined in Water-Scarce Regions of United States

In a new report, Charting New Waters explores new approaches to urban water management to ensure future water supply resiliency.

The EPA has approved requests from 6 counties in Florida and requests in Raleigh and Greensboro, N.C. to remove those areas from federal clean gasoline requirements.

Summertime Fuel Requirements Dismissed in Florida and North Carolina

The EPA has approved requests from 6 counties in Florida and requests in Raleigh and Greensboro, N.C. to remove those areas from federal clean gasoline requirements.