
Carnot Refrigeration in February 2014 became the first Canadian manufacturer to join EPA

Carnot Refrigeration Joins GreenChill Partnership

Based in Quebec, the company is the first Canadian manufacturer to join the EPA program that encourages food retailers to reduce refrigerant emissions.

After much debate on the safety of shipping oil by train, federal regulators have created a list of voluntary measures transporters can use to help reduce the risks of accidents occurring on rail shipments.

Oil Transport Safer with New Voluntary Procedures

After much debate on the safety of shipping oil by train, federal regulators have created a list of voluntary measures transporters can use to help reduce the risks of accidents occurring on rail shipments.

The Transportation Safety Board of Canada sent advisory letters to North America

Global Warming and Potential Water Contamination Resulting from Fracking for Hydrocarbons: A Relationship?

Although accidents are rare, transporting crude oil and natural gas poses major risks for human habitation areas and water bodies, regardless of how they are moved.

The Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System, located in the Mojave Desert, is the largest plant of its kind and generates 30 percent of all solar energy developed in the United States.

World's Largest Solar Plant Up and Running

The Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System, located in the Mojave Desert, began operations last week after several years of planning and construction. To date, the plant is the largest of its kind and reportedly generates 30 percent of all solar energy developed in the United States.

The federal Phase 1 standards required more efficient engines, use of low-rolling-resistance tires, reduced idling, and aerodynamic improvements. (This photo is a spirit of america / Shutterstock.com photograph.)

CARB Working with Feds on New Truck Standards

"We are excited to share the California experience and technical expertise gained from our early actions to reduce emissions and save fuel from the heaviest trucks via our California tractor-trailer greenhouse gas program over the last six years," said Air Resources Board Chairman Mary D. Nichols.

The Potomac Water Filtration Plant has been sued for dumping more than 30 million pounds of sediment and aluminum into the Potomac River and the Chesapeake Bay over a four-year period.

Maryland Water Supplier Gets Sued for Violating Clean Water Act

The Potomac Water Filtration Plant has been sued for dumping more than 30 million pounds of sediment and aluminum into the Potomac River and the Chesapeake Bay over a four-year period.

As people and corporations alike are becoming more environmentally conscious with each passing year, businesses around the globe are finding ways their stores can leave less of a carbon footprint.

Striving for Sustainability: Commercial Properties Go Green

As people and corporations alike are becoming more environmentally conscious with each passing year, businesses around the globe are finding ways their stores can leave less of a carbon footprint.

Several environmental groups oppose Detroit Edison

EPA Planning Update of Radiation Protection Standards

The agency's standards for nuclear power operations date to 1977 and are the earliest radiation rules it has developed.

U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman, a California Democrat, has been the architect of many important environmental, health, and food safety laws.

Waxman Announces He'll Retire This Year

Ranking Democrat on the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce, he has played a leading role in enacting major environmental and health laws for decades.

The Pacific Coast Action Plan could be an effective blueprint for locally driven climate and energy policy. Will it be implemented in 2014?

Pacific Coast Action Plan on Climate and Energy

The Pacific Coast Action Plan could be an effective blueprint for locally driven climate and energy policy. Will it be implemented in 2014?

Communities along the pipeline route launched Texas Pipeline Watch to arm landowners and citizens with cameras to document every spill, leak, and disturbance along the risky pipeline.

Texas Pipeline Watch to Closely Monitor TransCanada’s Tar Sands Pipeline

As the southern leg of the Keystone XL pipeline starts to flow this week, residents around the route will be using cameras from the Texas Pipeline Watch to monitor and document all activity of the pipeline.

The natural gas drilling boom in the United States has a significant environmental impact.

Natural Gas: Part of the Solution or Part of the Problem?

The recent fracking boom may do more harm than good for the climate if the U.S. EPA doesn’t do a better job of regulating methane releases. Even if it does, will cheap natural gas displace cleaner energy options like wind and solar?

California Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. on Jan. 17, 2014, proclaimed a state of emergency and directed state officials to take all necessary actions to prepare for the drought conditions.

Water Emergency Declared for California

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. on Jan. 17 proclaimed a state of emergency and directed state officials to take all necessary actions to prepare in the face of the driest year on record.

Google Invests $75 Million in Texas Wind Farms

Panhandle 2, a wind farm just outside of Amarillo, Texas, has received a $75 million investment from Google. This is Google’s 15th renewable energy investment, and their second in the Lone Star State.

Trichloroethylene, a solvent and a volatile organic chemical, can contaminate groundwater and become an indoor air hazard.

A Perfect Storm Batters Risk Management Decisions for TCE

This new interim policy means that a chronic toxic effect could occur across a 24 hour period of time and any average 24-hour exposure measurement above the RfC is cause for prompt action. This is unprecedented and scientifically indefensible.

Permafrost, or permanently frozen ground, forms during colder climates, when average annual temperatures remain below freezing.

Permafrost… It’s Chill.

Imagine being kept below freezing temperatures for thousands of years… to be trapped with no way to escape other than to thaw out over time. Permafrost, or permanently frozen ground, forms during colder climates, when average annual temperatures remain below freezing. The soils accumulate ice and plant material from plants living at the Earth’s surface.

Severe pollution affected the city of Beijing during January 2013, as shown in this photo. (Hung Chung Chih/Shutterstock.com photo)

China Regulates CO2 Emissions

Will China's public pledge to mitigate environmental issues and adopt meaningful greenhouse gas controls take hold, or will political obstacles and rapid growth get in the way?

Will a plan to ship coal—the leading source of CO2 pollution—from Montana to China be halted following environmental review by two federal agencies, amid early signs that China might be stepping away from coal as preferred energy source?

Will Montana Coal Go to China?

Will a plan to ship coal—the leading source of CO2 pollution—from Montana to China be halted following environmental review by two federal agencies, amid early signs that China might be stepping away from coal as preferred energy source?

Warm water in the Pacific often creates thunderstorms that become a “global chimney”, which can launch gases into the stratosphere.

Tropical Pacific May Play Huge Role in Global Warming

A group of scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) will begin a project that explores the possibility of storm activity in the Pacific Ocean may contribute to global climate change.

Will the Brazilian courts uphold constitution protections for future generations as a basis to strike down new forest laws that allow destruction of the world’s climate – protecting forests?

Brazil Repeals Forest Code and Deforestation Accelerates

Will the Brazilian courts uphold constitution protections for future generations as a basis to strike down new forest laws that allow destruction of the world’s climate – protecting forests?

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