ADEM Seeking UST Conference Presentations
The agency's 24th Underground Storage Tank Assessment and Remediation Conference is scheduled for April 19-20 in Montgomery. Presentation proposals are due by March 1.
The Alabama Department of Environmental Management's 24th Underground Storage Tank Assessment and Remediation Conference is scheduled for April 19-20 in Montgomery, and the agency is still seeking presentations on petroleum assessment and remediation topics. Presentation proposals are due by March 1.
The site is the Gordon Persons Building Auditorium. During the conference, ADEM will discuss topics of concern to environmental firms performing assessment and remediation activities under the Alabama UST program, and outside speakers also will give presentations on topics such as:
- Alabama underground and aboveground storage tank trust fund update
- Trust fund unit rate cost proposals and payment requests
- Investigation and remediation derived waste
- Redevelopment of UST sites
- Cleanup system optimization
- Assessment and monitoring requirements
- Permit requirements and approvals for corrective actions
- Case studies of cleanup technologies
- Risk-based corrective action
- Petroleum Vapor Intrusion
All environmental firms performing assessments and remediation at UST sites are invited to attend, and all approved Alabama Tank Trust Fund Response Action contractors are strongly encouraged to attend to obtain critical information on procedural issues. Vendors and subcontractors who provide assessment and remediation services are invited to attend the conference, as well.
Those interested in making a presentation at the conference on an assessment or corrective action issue are asked to send information regarding it to Dorothy Malaier at [email protected] or to this address by March 1, 2017: ADEM, P.O. Box 301463, Montgomery, AL 36130-1463.
Information on conference registration will be available on the ADEM website soon.