Former Senator Welcomes Attendees at Final Day of Xperience Efficiency 2013
On Thursday, June 20, Xperience Efficiency kicked off its final day with the Honorable Kay Bailey Hutchison, former U.S. Senator, Texas as the keynote speaker.
Xperience Efficiency, an event by Schneider Electric that showcases how energy management and new technology can help improve the daily lives and future generations around the globe, was held on June 18-20, 2013 in Dallas, Texas. On Thursday’s session, the final day of the event, Honorable Kay Bailey Hutchison, former U.S. Senator, Texas addressed the crowd as keynote speaker.
In Hutchison’s speech, she focused largely on the importance of energy and how the United States has the ability to become completely energy independent in the near future. Due to the latest technology in fracking, it has been estimated that the nation can reach that independence within ten years. She also spoke about the countries energy storage capabilities that could lead to the U.S. exporting energy in the not-too-distant future.
“The best thing we have going for us in this country is energy,” stated Hutchison. “If we could utilize our public lands, we could become independent a lot sooner than ten years.”
The former senator also said future generations will continue to address the sustainability issue because kids are already interested in learning how to help and technology will only continue to improve as the years go on.