Water Quality Improvements for Little Coal River

The latest restoration efforts for Little Coal River is sponsored by the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection and will enhance water quality on a 15-mile stretch of the river from Danville downstream to McCorkle.

The Little Coal River project will involve placing 198 restoration structures, such as boulders and logs, into the river to help increase flow velocity. The faster the water travels, the easier sediment can get carried through the river, and sand and silt can be flushed out to improve the habitat for fish and insects. The project will also aim to reduce the amount of stream bank erosion on the Little Coal.

Water quality improvement efforts on the river have been ongoing for nearly 30 years. The state Division of Highways first began placing restoration structures in the river during construction of Corridor G. Since then, state agencies and others have continued the work to reduce sediment in the river, a problem brought on by pre-law mining, timbering and road construction. The latest project is being supported by the West Virginia Conservation Agency.

The $3 million project is due to be completed by December 2014.