Nearly $18 Million Awarded in Recycling Program Grants in Pennsylvania
The DEP has awarded $17.8 million in recycling grants to 131 municipalities and counties for developing and implementing recycling programs.
With this grant program, municipalities and counties in Pennsylvania are eligible for up to 90 percent funding of approved recycling program costs. Municipalities that are considered financially distressed under the Financial Distressed Communities Act are eligible to receive funding for an additional 10 percent of approved costs.
“Recycling plays a key role in improving Pennsylvania’s economy and protecting its environment,” DEP Secretary Mike Krancer said. “These grants further that cause, and DEP is proud to invest in local programs that help the awardees strengthen their recycling programs.”
Examples of eligible projects include operating compost facilities, developing web-based programs on recycling for consumers, expanding recycling processing facilities, installing data collection systems on recycling vehicles, creating curbside recycling programs, and developing educational materials to encourage residents to recycle.
For more information, please visit the DEP website, keyword: Act 101.