Allied Environmental Offers Mercury Recycling Program in Ohio
The Lima, Ohio, company will collect mercury and mercury-containing devices, following discontinuation of a similar program by Bowling Green State University.
Allied Environmental Services, Inc., has developed a mercury recycling program serving all Ohio counties. The goal of this program is to work with county emergency management agencies and health departments to provide for the safe collection and recycling of mercury that might otherwise be improperly managed or discarded.
Mercury is hazardous to human health and is considered a dangerous pollutant. Once released to the ecosystem, mercury does not dissipate but instead accumulates within the food chain and can quickly reach toxic levels.
According to Noah McManus, hazardous materials specialist, the program has been developed in response to the discontinuation of a similar program formerly operated by Bowling Green State University. “The BGSU program was very successful and operated for over 10 years, recycling more than 25,000 pounds of mercury from sources throughout Ohio and EPA Region 5,” said McManus. The BGSU mercury program was discontinued in January 2011. “Allied felt it was imperative that a safe and affordable means of collecting unneeded mercury be provided to Ohio communities, so we decided to develop our own program.”
The Allied program is managed by McManus, a certified Environmental Spill Incident Commander with extensive experience managing hazardous materials and mercury. McManus played a key role in the operation of the former BGSU mercury collection program and will use that experience to make the new program successful. “Allied will ensure that all applicable regulations and industry standard operating procedures are followed at all times,” said McManus.
“Fees will be kept to a minimum. We will charge a base rate to offset vehicle and fuel expenses, and time spent traveling to collection sites to collect and process mercury-containing devices. The real goal is to safely collect the mercury and keep it out of the environment,” he added.
The program is intended to collect and recycle elemental mercury and mercury-containing devices that meet the description of a “universal waste.” Typically, recyclable items include thermostats, switches, thermometers, sphygmomanometers (blood pressure meters), and other sealed devices, as well as liquid mercury stored in jars, bottles, etc.
Those with concerns regarding mercury are advised to call Allied directly at 419.227.4004, or contact their local county emergency management agency.
For more than 24 years, Allied has provided professional environmental management solutions to property owners, lenders, municipalities, schools, hospitals, and private industry. Allied specializes in hazardous waste management, emergency spill response, industrial cleaning, asbestos abatement, underground storage tank closure, Phase I ESA, and air quality testing.
Source: Allied Environmental Services