Report Charges EPA with False Benefit-Cost Estimates for GHGs

The report says EPA does not consider capital expenditures of manufacturers to meet regulatory deadlines or the basic law of demand ─ that higher prices will reduce demand and economic output.

According to a Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) report, The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is relying on accounting tricks and gimmicks in its claims that clamping down on greenhouse gas emissions will produce more financial benefit than harm.

In “Clearing the Air on the EPA's False Regulatory Benefit-Cost Estimates and Its Anti-Carbon Agenda,” author Garrett A. Vaughn has a number of criticisms:

  • EPA is claiming inflated benefits for clean air regulations, totaling $1.3 trillion net benefit or nearly twice the amount of U.S. military spending. However, EPA’s report does not consider capital expenditures of manufacturers to meet regulatory deadlines or the basic law of demand ─ that higher prices will reduce demand (thus reducing economic output).
  • EPA claims that its past clean air enforcement has provided more than $30 of benefits for every dollar of cost, but unjustifiably implies future regulations of carbon dioxide (and other greenhouse gas) emissions under the Clean Air Act will have such benefits, too. In fact, EPA has also contradicted its own claim of enormous net benefits (gross benefits less costs) from its direct regulations already on the books, by supporting “cap-and-trade” legislation as a more efficient way to restrict emissions.
  • EPA’s anti-carbon campaign threatens to greatly undermine future U.S. economic growth and job creation, while doing virtually nothing to restrict global carbon dioxide emissions. In fact, the EPA’s campaign may actually stimulate global CO2 emissions by handing a competitive advantage to the more carbon-intensive economies of China, India, and several other countries.

Vaughn is an independent economic consultant specializing in energy and the environment, according to the CEI press release.

“The EPA is now trying to dress up the even more expensive alternative of direct regulation with the same inflated net benefit estimates prepared for true [Clean Air Act] pollutants such as particulate matter and nitrous oxides,” Vaughn said. “Congress and the administration understand well that EPA regulations actually impose costs far in excess of benefits, the EPA’s official claims to the contrary notwithstanding,” he said.

Source: Competitive Enterprise Institute