America's Natural Gas Alliance Responds to Plans to Reintroduce the FRAC Act

The following is a statement by Daniel Whitten, vice president for strategic communications for America's Natural Gas Alliance, on this morning's announcement by New York Democratic Representative Maurice Hinchey that he plans to reintroduce the FRAC Act:

"ANGA shares a strong commitment to the safe and responsible development of natural gas. But we have an honest disagreement over whether new federal regulations are necessary on top of existing local, state and federal rules. We continue to believe that state regulatory agencies have the appropriate expertise and on-the-ground experience to conduct effective oversight of natural gas production activities specific to their local geology.

"Additionally, the natural gas community has stepped forward and pledged its support for public disclosure of the chemical components used in the hydraulic fracturing process. This is a new and positive development since this legislation was last introduced. This disclosure will occur through a public online registry being developed by state regulators who are responsible for protecting local water and ensuring responsible development of natural gas in their communities.  It is expected to launch next month.  

"With regard to the increasingly extreme claims being made by activist Josh Fox, the notion that natural gas production is not regulated is patently false. Federal, state and local regulations cover everything from initial permits to well construction to water protection. His continuing denial of the veracity of forensic water testing done by state regulators and the Environmental Protection Agency is an affront to anyone who believes sound science should remain at the center of our energy and environmental policy conversations as a nation.

"As policymakers strive to create jobs, produce clean energy and promote U.S. energy security, natural gas presents an extraordinary opportunity to advance all of these goals collectively, substantially and immediately in communities across our nation.  Natural gas is the only form of domestic energy that can be used right now on a large scale to help us meet our clean energy goals, while establishing energy security and boosting a growing economy.

"Responsible natural gas production supports 2.8 million American jobs. It can help ease our nation's dependence on foreign energy.  And, it offers us a vast and ready supply of cleaner energy today."