Alstom, Dow Technology to Demonstrate Carbon Capture in France

The EDF Group has awarded a contract to Alstom to develop, construct, operate and test an industrial demonstration facility to capture carbon dioxide (CO2) at the Le Havre coal-fired electric power plant in France, according to Alstom and The Dow Chemical Company.

The objective of the project is to demonstrate the operability and efficiency of post-combustion CO2 capture using the Advanced Amine Process jointly developed by Alstom and Dow.

Amine-based technologies are already widely used in a number of gas treatment applications in the chemical and hydrocarbon sectors. The Advanced Amine Process to has been specifically developed to capture CO2 emitted by burning coal, oil or gas. The demonstration facility will help to verify the optimized performance of the technology, particularly with regards to energy consumption and flexibility in use within an industrial setting.

The project is scheduled for start-up by 2012 and is partly funded by French governmental body ADEME (The French Environment and Energy Management Agency). The project program includes execution, testing, evaluation and validation phases of the CO2 capture unit at the production site.