11 Small Companies Get Phase 2 Funding for Technologies
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency awarded nearly $2.5 million to 11 companies to support their work in eight key environmental areas: monitoring and control of air emissions, biofuels, green buildings, drinking water monitoring, hazardous waste monitoring, water infrastructure, homeland security, nanotechnology and innovation in manufacturing.
Last year, the companies received "proof of concept" awards from EPA and will use the additional funds announced May 11 to move their technologies toward commercialization.
“The health and prosperity of our nation is due to the strength and ingenuity of our small businesses,” said Paul T. Anastas, Ph.D., assistant administrator for EPA's Office of Research and Development. “These awards will help spur innovation from America's small businesses so they can continue driving our economy and powering our environmental successes."
EPA’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program issues solicitations for research proposals from small science and technology firms. Phase I contracts are used to investigate the scientific merit and technical feasibility of a concept. The Phase II contracts, announced this week, are used to develop and commercialize the technologies.
Some of the technologies that are being developed in these awards include using microbial fuel cells to simultaneously clean wastewater and generate electricity, and developing a chromium-free, corrosion-resistant coating that can be used for industrial, automotive, and aerospace corrosion protection. Down to Earth Energy of Monroe, Ga., received $345,000 for commercialization of solid acid and base catalysts derived from biochar optimized to produce biodiesel from low-cost oils. Fuss & O'Neill of Manchester, Conn., received the same amount for granular activated carbon microbial fuel cells for wastewater treatment and power generation. To see the full list, visit www.epa.gov/ncer/sbir/10awards.