House Bill Directs DOE to Use Water Wisely in Research

The U.S. House of Representatives early this month approved the Energy and Water Integration Act, which would ensure that the Department of Energy (DOE) consider water intensity in its energy research, development and demonstration programs and help assure efficient, reliable and sustainable delivery of energy and water resources.

The bill was introduced by Science and Technology Committee Chair Bart Gordon (D-Tenn.). The legislation directs DOE to

  • advance energy efficiency technologies and practices that would minimize water consumption,
  • increase water use efficiency,
  • use nontraditional water sources,
  • consider the effects climate change may have on water quality and quantity, and
  • improve understanding of the energy required to provide water supplies and the water required to provide energy supplies.

The bill would authorize $240 million between 2011 and 2015 for energy and water related research.

On Dec. 2, the bill was referred to the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.