California American Water Urges 'No Drugs Down the Drain'

California American Water has designated this week as "No Drugs Down the Drain" week for its San Diego County service area as part of a national of reducing pharmaceutical pollution in source water supplies.

The utility's customers are encouraged to drop off expired or unwanted pharmaceuticals free of charge at Coronado Household Hazardous Waste Drop off (city residents only) or the Chula Vista Police Department (Chula Vista, Imperial Beach and National City; no controlled substances).

California American Water, which helps sponsor the "No Drugs Down the Drain" outreach campaign in San Diego, is encouraging all of its San Diego County customers to properly dispose of pharmaceutical waste. Aspirin, prescription drugs and other medications should never be thrown down the drain or toilet. They can often seep into the ground and find their way back into the water supply.

"Ensuring that our water sources are protected and maintained is as important as ensuring we have enough water to meet our demands," stated California American Water’s general manager Todd Brown. "Water utilities like California American Water treat drinking water to ensure that it meets or exceeds USEPA standards, but the best water treatment is to prevent water pollution at the source," Brown said. "Environmental stewardship can begin right at home through how we use and dispose of old medicines as well as other hazardous items such as used motor oil and paint."