Technical Guru Eckenfelder Completes Memoir

W. Wesley Eckenfelder, Ph.D., noted pioneer in the wastewater treatment industry, has written his memoir, titled Wesley Eckenfelder Waste Water Extraordinaire, and it is now available for purchase.

Eckenfelder was highlighted in a December 1999 issue of Environmental Protection magazine. His accolades include being one of the first to design and use aerated lagoons and activated sludge treatments in the remediation of pulp and paper mill wastewater. He was a teacher and a consultant who wrote one of the first textbooks on industrial wastewater treatment. He received many awards.

Eckenfelder will be signing copies of his book as he celebrates his 83rd birthday from noon to 2 p.m. Nov. 15 at Featheringill Hall-Atrium, Vanderbilt University School of Engineering in Nashville.