Tomi to Demo UV Solution to Disease-bearing Pathogens

Tomi Environmental Solutions, Inc., an air remediation company, recently won a bid to environmentally clean mold from a 35,000-square-foot commercial office building in Irvington, N.J.

Halden Shane, chief executive officer of the company, said, "We are delighted to show our advanced technology for inactivating contaminants, including H1N1, along with inactivating viruses, odor, mold spores killing bacteria quickly and easily, and mitigating the risk of a repeat of any infectious disease. Our high-tech healthcare company, equipped with the world's second and third strongest oxidizers, possesses the weapons of viral destruction. We are becoming a global leader in air remediation and treatment of infectious disease."

"Tomi is uniquely positioned to treat structures that have to be closed because of pandemic flu outbreaks. We treated a high school in Brooklyn, New York, inactivating contaminants including Swine Flu H1N1 along with inactivating viruses," he added.

The company owns and operates state-of-the-art, proprietary UV ozone generators. It inspects, tests (on a DNA level) and treats indoor air using highly trained, certified technicians.