PPI Web Site Follows Product Stewardship Movement

Product Policy Institute has launched a Web site—www.productpolicy.org—connecting local communities across North America that have begun to work for a new approach to recycling.

The approach is called Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) or Product Stewardship. When established in law, this approach makes manufacturers responsible for the life cycle impacts of their products, including providing take-back programs for recycling. This reduces community costs and risks from waste management and drives improved product and packaging design. EPR "framework" laws like those in Canada and other countries establish consistent EPR principles and procedures that are then applied to specific products, notably household hazardous products and packaging.

"We welcome citizens and the local governments that serve them to our new Web site and hope visitors will be inspired by the great work and momentum that is building to address the root cause of our waste management problem," said Bill Sheehan, PPI executive director. "When producers are responsible for their waste, we will begin to see the end of the Throw-Away Society."

The site includes:

  • Easy-to-access background information on EPR.
  • Information on Product Stewardship Councils that have been formed by local governments in different regions of North America, along with tips from local councils and links to sites of interest.
  • The best and latest information on EPR Framework legislation in the United States and Canada.
  • Latest news articles and releases on EPR.