AFS Offers Short Courses at Conference
The American Filtration and Separations Society (AFS) is offering short course training on May 4 in Bloomington, Minn., where the group will hold its 22nd Annual Conference.
Twelve short courses are planned on that day, including "Wastewater Treatment and Sludge Dewatering." This half-day course targets plant engineers and covers some treatment technologies, some pretreatment techniques, and sludge dewatering options (particularly centrifuges, belt filter presses, and filter presses). Sludge testing methods will be discussed along with demonstrations of turbidity and capillary suction time methods.
This course will be taught by Bart Peeters and Ernest Mayer, Ph.D.
Peeters is an environmental technology engineer with Monsanto Europe NV, Antwerp, Belgium, since November 2004 with particular responsibilities involving wastewater treatment and sludge handling. Previously, he was a process improvement engineer in polymer manufacturing for six years.
Mayer is a senior consultant with DuPont, Wilmington, Del., specializing in SLS technology since 1980. He earned his doctorate in chemical engineering from the University of Delaware, Newark. He is a member of AWWA, AlChE, WEF, and AFSS. In 1991, Mayer's remediation technology was accepted into the EPA SITE program.
For information on the course, visit