EPA Finalizes Combustor NESHAP Rule Revisions
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is amending the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants rule for new and existing hazardous waste combustors. These standards implement the Clean Air Act by requiring hazardous waste combustors to meet emission standards reflecting the application of the maximum achievable control technology. The rule is the final action regarding the eight issues for which EPA granted reconsideration in September 2006. The revisions also address comments received in response to a September 2007 notice.
As a result of this reconsideration process, EPA is:
• Revising the new source particulate matter standards for cement kilns and incinerators that burn hazardous waste to better reflect the performance of the best controlled source over time. The change in the standards resulted from consideration of additional performance data;
• Amending the particulate matter detection system provisions and revisions to the health-based compliance alternative provisions for total chlorine;
• Identifying the emissions standards EPA intends to defend in pending litigation and is responding to public comments on a related Sept. 27, 2007 notice; and
• Making several corrections and clarifications to the rule.
The revised provisions are effective immediately and do not change the Oct. 14, 2008, compliance date established by the October 2005 final rule. The final rule soon will be published in the Federal Register.
For more information, visit http://www.epa.gov/osw/hazard/tsd/td/combust/finalmact/index.htm.