MACTEC Wins $1.2M GSA Contract

The U.S. General Services Administration has awarded MACTEC Engineering & Consulting of Alpharetta, Ga., a $1.2 million contract. Bruce C. Coles, president of MACTEC E&C and chairman and chief executive officer of MACTEC, Inc., made the announcement. The company's Golden, Colo., office is supervising the contract.

According to Chief Scientist/Senior Principal Chemist Kevin E. Garrett, the company is conducting two Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Facility Investigations for the GSA at the Denver Federal Center and a survey of asbestos in soil for two parcels at the center.

The purpose of the RFI activities is to study potential impacts to soil and groundwater from historic operations. The majority of the buildings were constructed in the 1940s during the operation of the Denver Ordnance Plant (DOP). The DOP manufactured .30‑caliber cartridges and other munitions for the U.S. military.

The exterior RFI activities include installing 80 borings and monitoring wells, and excavating 11 trenches, as well as a video survey of sanitary/storm water sewer lines. The interior RFI includes installation of 68 borings and monitoring wells inside the buildings.