Mid-Atlantic Governors to Collaborate on Ocean Uses

Governors from New Jersey, New York, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia have signed an interstate agreement to protect the Atlantic Ocean.

The goals of the newly formed Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean will continue to advocate for and leverage greater state influence on the management of offshore ocean areas and to direct federal and interstate actions and resources.

"Ensuring the health of our ocean ecosystems and the resources they provide is paramount to Mid-Atlantic oceanfront states like New Jersey," Gov. Jon S. Corzine said. "Any threat to these natural resources brings economic consequences that threaten jobs, local economies, and our economic well being. New Jersey is committed to working with our Mid-Atlantic partners to provide adequate safeguards and formulate a shared vision for the region's future."

Recognizing that renewable offshore energy can foster a more efficient and sustainable regional economy and improve the quality of life for citizens, the governors are creating a structure for the states to collaborate on improving energy security and independence in the region through development of offshore renewable energy while accommodating other ocean uses

"Tapping the Earth for additional fossil fuels as resources is not the answer to our long-range energy goals," Corzine added. "Rather, this Outer Continental Shelf resource should be viewed as a haven for wind energy, which is clean, renewable, and environmentally friendly. Energy efficiency and renewable energy development is the responsible energy future for New Jersey and the country. "

Other priorities of the regional council include: increased protection of the most unique and sensitive offshore habitats; climate change and sea level rise; increased federal support for water quality infrastructure improvements; and reducing marine debris.

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