Dayton Water Department Set to Make a Big Splash

The Dayton Department of Water is encouraging area residents to save money and go easy on the environment by drinking Dayton's high-quality tap water.

The Deparment kicked off its "Take Back the Tap" campaign on Sunday, August 24.

"When you are committed to reducing your impact on the environment, tap water is the smart alternative to bottled water, and Dayton's water quality makes it an easy choice," said Tammi Clements, director of the Department of Water. "Dayton's drinking water consistently meets state and federal safety standards and is tested 24 hours per day for purity."

Bottled water (at $.99 or more per bottle) cost thousands of times more than drinking water from the tap, which costs less than one cent per day for the average residential user. The production and distribution of bottled water requires use of oil products and fuels, and only a small percentage of plastic bottles are recycled.

Dayton's Department of Water is the public water supplier for more than 400,000 residents and businesses in Dayton and Montgomery County. It is working with local graphic design and marketing communications firm Nova Creative Group, Inc. for campaign development.