LCRA May Need to Provide More Water

Updated water projections show that Lower Colorado River Authority (Texas) may be expected to provide between 14 and 25 percent more water than previously anticipated in the state water plan. The increases could occur as early as the 2010-2020 time frame. LCRA is looking at ways to meet needs in the future as part of its long-term water supply planning effort, the Water Supply Resource Plan.

LCRA staff developed two growth scenarios by working directly with county officials and using available data from federal, state, and regional sources. The first scenario generally reflects the water demand projections in the state-approved water plan for the Lower Colorado Regional Planning Group and projects them to 2100. The second scenario builds on the water demand projections in the state-approved plan by including updated population growth estimates based on growth that is occurring, current and pending contracts, and other previously unaccounted for water uses.LCRA is using projections from the second scenario.

The next step is to look at water supply options that could meet those demands over the next 100 years. LCRA staff is studying the types of water supply options suggested during a public input period last year along with staff recommendations. LCRA's Water Supply Resource Plan will be a roadmap for how to meet needs for water in the future. The plan will show how much water is available and when and where it can be provided. A draft plan will be available for public review and comment in spring 2009.

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