The agency's order lists various violations and says Sunoco Pipeline's "unlawful conduct . . . demonstrates a lack of ability or intention on the part of Sunoco to comply with the Clean Streams Law, the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act, and permits issued thereunder."
In addition to an 800-acre groundwater recharge basin, the project will install a 4.5-mile pipeline connecting the new recharge basin to the Friant-Kern Canal and 16 groundwater recovery wells within the Pixley Irrigation District.
The preorder of Tesla vehicles advances UPS's commitment to reduce its absolute greenhouse gas emissions from global ground operations 12 percent by 2025, the company said, adding that, by 2020, it plans that one in four new vehicles purchased annually will be an alternative fuel or advanced technology vehicle.
The plan allocates $398 million to incentivize clean heavy-duty trucks, buses, and freight projects, including $190 million for advanced-technology freight equipment such as yard trucks, forklifts, and cranes. Most of the money comes from California's cap-and-trade auction proceeds.
The Georgia Public Service Commission unanimously approved the company's recommendation Dec. 21 to complete the first new nuclear units in the United States in 30 years.
The funding announced by Gov. Andrew Cuomo was provided through the first round of the Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation Waste Storage and Transfer System Program.
The city's mayor and other officials called on the tech industry to develop solutions to scale EV charging hubs and speed up the use of electric vehicles across New York City.
The idea is for "smart floats" that would contain a suite of commercially available sensors to collect environmental data such as ocean temperature, sea state, and location and also data about commercial vessels, aircraft, and even maritime mammals moving through the area.
The authority's parent agency, the state Department of Environmental Quality, developed the initiative in response to significant wastewater infrastructure impacts from Hurricane Matthew that are affecting the economic health of the town of Fair Bluff in Columbus County.
Maid Labs Technologies that makes monitoring, measurement, and data-logging instrumentation and software for wastewater and drinking water pumping stations.
The awarded grants include $574,000 to the Washington State Department of Agriculture, $302,000 to the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, $394,000 to the Idaho State Department of Agriculture, and $445,000 to the Oregon Department of Agriculture.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced that Florida State College at Jacksonville, Fla, will receive a $198,790 Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training grant to help low-income residents learn the skills needed to secure employment in the environmental field.
Chile, Oman, Sri Lanka, and South Africa have joined UN Environment's CleanSeas campaign against marine litter and ocean pollution, announcing measures including new marine reserves, plastic bag bans, and drives to increase recycling.
Because the damage caused by chemical fertilizers is often long-term and cumulative, it may be wiser to consider alternative and sustainable methods of fertilizing the soil.
The campaign is part of the Wrap Recycling Action Program (WRAP), a public-private partnership that promotes recycling of plastic wraps and bags.
This will be the agency's first of several iguana technical assistance workshops in the Florida Keys.
The agency reported since 2013, Cabot had excess emissions of natural gas from 267 pneumatic controllers at well sites and did not submit complete compliance demonstration reports for 20 gas wells.
The proposed Yellowstone Disposal landfill would accept municipal solid waste and oilfield exploration and production solid waste, according to the draft environmental assessment. Montana DEQ has set a public meeting for Dec. 18 and is accepting comments until Jan. 29, 2018.
The state wants EPA to further evaluate the need for additional removal of contaminated sediment to make sure the targeted PCB reductions in fish are met, and it is also asking EPA to start its investigation of the Lower Hudson River.
A group of nurseries in southern England has banned the use of glitter at their facilities in light of scientists drawing attention to the detrimental effects of microplastics like glitter on the environment.