Pennsylvania Awards Grants for Alternative Fuel Vehicles
As a way to help combat air pollution, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection has awards 33 incentive grants for alternative fuel vehicles. Additional grants have also been awarded for innovative alternative fuel projects.
Nearly $4 million has been awarded to the state of Pennsylvania for 33 Alternative Fuel Incentive Grants (AFIG), which will be given to local governments, non-profit organizations, and companies that are switching their fleet vehicles to electric, propane, or compressed natural gas (CNG).
“These important grants allow Pennsylvania to make the most of our abundant natural resources, edging us closer to energy independence while also helping to improve our air quality,” Corbett said. “This funding makes it possible for many local governments, organizations and companies to convert their lighter-weight vehicles to natural gas or other alternative fuels.”
These AFIG grants will help pay for the conversion and/or purchase of 23 hybrid or electric vehicles, 274 natural gas vehicles, and 261 propane vehicles. The funds will also help construct 24 new fueling stations and support 35 fueling stations that are already in place for these alternative fuel vehicles.