Global Water Shortages Likely Within Two Generations

In the United States, 210 million people live near a diminishing water source.

The world may face a global water shortage in two generations, according to scientists. In the face of pollution, climate change, and overuse, water systems could reach a tipping point soon. 

Five hundred scientists met Friday at the Cooperative Remote Sensing Science and Technology Centre and called on governments to strive for stronger methods of water conservation. 

Currently, 4.5 billion people already live within 50 kilometers of an impaired water source, one that is running dry or is already polluted. In some areas where fresh water being drained quickly, the underground voids are being filled with salt water. This is causing farmers to relocate. 

In the United States, 210 million people live within 10 miles of an impaired water source, a number that is likely to rise. 

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