Stormwater pollution prevention tips: Parking/storage area maintenance, part II

The second part of these tips from the California Stormwater Quality Association's Industrial and Commercial Handbook addresses surface repair and spill response, among other topics.

To read part I, go to

Surface repair

  • Preheat, transfer or load hot bituminous material away from storm drain inlets.
  • Apply concrete, asphalt and seal coat during dry weather to prevent contamination from contacting stormwater runoff.
  • Cover and seal nearby storm drain inlets where applicable (with waterproof material or mesh) and manholes before applying seal coat, slurry seal, etc. Leave covers in place until job is complete and all water from emulsified oil sealants has drained or evaporated. Clean any debris from these covered manholes and drains for proper disposal.
  • Use only as much water as necessary for dust control, to avoid runoff.
  • Catch drips from paving equipment that is not in use with pans or absorbent material placed under the machines. Dispose of collected material and absorbents properly.


  • Have designated personnel conduct inspections of parking facilities and stormwater conveyance systems associated with parking facilities on a regular basis.
  • Inspect cleaning equipment/sweepers for leaks on a regular basis.


  • Provide regular training to field employees and/or contractors regarding cleaning of paved areas and proper operation of equipment.
  • Train employees and contractors in proper techniques for spill containment and cleanup.

Spill response and prevention

  • Place a stockpile of spill cleanup materials where it will be readily accessible or at a central location.
  • Clean up fluid spills immediately with absorbent rags or material.
  • Dispose of spilled material and absorbents properly.


  • Sweep parking lot regularly to minimize cleaning with water.
  • Clean out oil/water/sand separators regularly, especially after heavy storms.
  • Clean parking facilities regularly to prevent accumulated wastes and pollutants from being discharged into conveyance systems during rainy conditions.

This article originally appeared in the 04/01/2005 issue of Environmental Protection.

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