
EPA Gives Recovery Funds for Underground Petroleum Leaks

U.S. territories, states to receive more than $9.8 million to assess and clean up underground petroleum leaks.

Financial Assurance Rule to Target Hardrock Mining

EPA plans to propose rule to ensure that owners and operators of hardrock mines pay for cleanup.

SURF: How Should Clean-up Industry Clean Up?

Organizations white paper assesses remediation and whether it is or can be sustainable.

Scientists: Local Bodies Should OK Nuclear Waste Sites

In a recent Science article, Ewing and von Hippel say federal agencies should set standards, but local communities should exercise final approve of nuclear waste repositories.

Agency Designates 44 'High Hazard Potential' Impoundments

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has identified 44 sites that contain coal ash waste using information supplied by electric utilities. The agency will now determine if those sites require any action to ensure that those impoundments do not fail.

Justice: G-I Holdings Must Address Asbestos Waste

As the result of a settlement agreement, G-I Holdings must secure Vermont Asbestos Group Mine Site, reimburse clean-up costs, and address hazardous waste issues at nine other Superfund sites.

Feds Coordinate Oversight of Mountaintop Coal Mining

EPA, DOI, and the Corps of Engineers will work together to minimize adverse environmental consequences of mountaintop coal mining.

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