Borregaard Selects ICP Instrument for Brine Analysis

Borregaard, a supplier of wood-based chemicals, has chosen Thermo Scientific iCAP 6000 Series Duo ICP emission spectrometer for the detection of trace contaminants in brine—aqueous sodium chloride (NaCl)—to measure the trace element content of NaCl produced onsite. Detailed information can be found in a new application note entitled "Environmental Series—Trace contaminant analysis in brine using an iCAP 6000 Series Duo ICP", which is available to download at

Borregaard's core business is based on a biorefinery that manufactures wood-based products. The company also produces caustic soda and hydrochloric acid for internal use and for sale to external customers. The company's old mercury cell electrolysis plant was replaced by a modern, membrane cell electrolysis plant, with the caustic soda produced being used in the company's own factories, while the chlorine is processed into hydrochloric acid. During this process, Borregaard sought an ICP instrument to screen the NaCl.

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