New 'Impaired Waters and Total Maximum Daily Loads' Web Site

EPA recently released a new "Impaired Waters and Total Maximum Daily Loads" (TMDLs) homepage at The new page features an overview of the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) program activities, highlights new resources, and provides easier access to program resources, such as EPA's new Water Quality Assessment and TMDL Information (ATTAINS) Web site.

The Web site revamping was prompted by the desire to improve navigation for a variety of audiences and to distinguish two key activities, e.g., 303(d) listing of impaired waters and development of TMDLs.

The site also features a new "TMDL Stormwater Resources" page that hosts several stormwater-source TMDLs and case studies highlighting the innovative approaches states are using to address stormwater (see Additional pages that are coming soon include a new "TMDLs at Work" page, which will highlight successful restoration efforts where TMDL/303(d) activities were an important part of the process, and a "TMDL Mercury Air Deposition" page that will host a variety of resources and examples for developing TMDLs for waters impaired by mercury.

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